Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We have practically finished our project.
I have the smallest part in our design, and quite hard with all the tiny detail.

Monday, September 15, 2008

reflection 3

I thought our presentation went very well.
our team work was better at the end of the project than at the start.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reflection 2

So far, with our power point, we have practically finished and we're editing and adding more on and off.
I think we have done quite well, except that Sam and Luke leave me out of conversations, so tha most of the time I have no idea whats happening.

reflection 1

Sam Daysh, Luke Palmer and I are working together. our subject is steroids.
I've been working on the side effects of steroids. what i had found out is pretty gross!
Its pretty hard to work with those two, they hardly ever care about what I say.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Should the 2008 Olympics be held in China?

I think the Olympics should be held in China, because,
even though China has some problems, doesn't mean
China is a very bad country and doesn't deserve anything
No country's perfect, and China has there problems as well
as any other country.
every country deserves to host the Olympics and this year was
China's turn.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time
~Anthony J. D'Angelo.


I chose Steve Irwin
because he is a successful Australian TV host. he was also known as the crocodile hunter, because mast of his shows were about him catching crocs. He was respected by thousands of people.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

#2 stage

in our shape, we have rotated and shrunk part of the shape 90 degrees.
our first design was too complicated, so we chose Coles design, a koro.

our design

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1# stage reflection

I'm working with Cole and Sam daysh.
We have changed our first design into a square koru.
We have divided our design into parts which each of us will work on.
I'm working on the smallest part of the design.

my tech part

this is the part I'm working on, that combined with Coles and Sams piece, will become a koru.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dr fu manchu

Dr. Fu Manchu

Real Name: Fu Manchu

Identity/Class: Normal human employing chemical means to extend his lifespan

Occupation: Leader of the Si-Fan cult

Affiliations: The Si-Fan, Fah Lo Suee

Enemies: Sir Denis Nayland Smith, Dr.Petrie, Scotland Yard

Known Relatives: Fah Lo Suee (daughter)

Aliases: The Devil Doctor, the Celestial One

Base of Operations: China; when based in Britain, he generally uses the Limehouse district of London

First Appearance: "The Zayat Kiss" (The Story-Teller, October 1912)

Powers/Abilities: Fu Manchu is a master of both ancient mystical abilities and modern scientific advances. Utilizing a magic drug called the Elixir Vitae, Fu Manchu has retained youth and strength despite his advanced age. He can hypnotize (almost) anyone he looks in the eyes.

Marvel Comics' depiction of Fu ManchuHistory: Sax Rohmer's Devil Doctor. "Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, a close-shaven skull, and long, magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. Invest him with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government--which, however, already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu-Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man."

-- Nayland Smith to Dr. Petrie, The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu

Fu Manchu is an oriental mastermind who wishes to destroy the Western world and remake it in the glorious image of the east, with him as the absolute ruler. As well as having an incredible intellect to help him achieve this goal, he also has the fanatical loyalty of the Si-Fan, a Chinese cult, his deadly daughter Fah Lo Suee, and an indomitable will; arrayed against him is Sir Denis Nayland-Smith, a British agent. Time and again over several decades they clash, with Smith's ingenuity always inevitably thwarting the Devil Doctor's plans at the last possible moment

diary entry #4

this week in math, I'm half way through enlargement.
On Friday, I'm going to WOWs (World Of Wearableart) dress fittings which I'm really excited about:)
On Wednesday I went to my sisters parent teacher interview after karate and met some of my old friends Mia & Claudia who went to my old school and is now at east

Tuesday, August 5, 2008



1: in a translation there are no invariant points. All points move.
2: Every point moves in the same distance in the same direction.
3: lengths and angles stay the same.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

environmental issues -Deforestation-

deforestation is a major problem in the world. without trees on hill sides, the earth will have noting to hold it up, this will cause erosion. 1800 Philippines died after a land slide covered their town, deforestation had caused this. without trees, there is noting to take in the carbon-dioxide. more of it is left in the atmosphere causing globule warming.Another cause of globule warming is when heat reflects of the earth and back into the air. Trees absorb heat.
Trees, next to rivers, soak up water. if there were no trees, the rivers or lakes will overflow causing flooding.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

diary entry #3

Back to school, ARGH!!!
not that i hate school or any thing.
im up to the reflection stuff
for maths


what I did in the holidays

In the first half of the holidays I went up to Auckland to see my mother and other relatives.
when we were up the I got really sick and had to stay in bed for two days, I managed two sleep for most of that time. We also saw get smart which was so cool!!
On the last day my eldest sister went crazy and tore up all my brand new books. my aunt didn't look too happy about that, she had paid for the book :(
later she gave me money to by a new book.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Shang chi

is a marvil comics character, often called the "Master of Kung Fu". He was created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Jim Starlin. He has no special superpowers, but he exhibits extraordinary skills in the martial arts and is a master of Wushu (a general name for the various Chinese styles) both empty handed and with weapons, including the staff, nunchaku and double-edged sword.
The series began by introducing Shang-Chi as a man raised by his father Fu Manchu to be the ultimate lackey for the would-be world conqueror. However, his first mission, in which he killed one of his father's old enemies, Dr. Petrie, ended with Shang-Chi learning of Fu Manchu's true, evil nature. Disillusioned, Shang-Chi swore eternal opposition to his father's ambitions and fought him as an agent of British intelligence, under the orders of Nayland Smith.
The series was an instant sales success.
"Finally, the day had come. While still a teen, he was given his first mission outside the walls of his father’s retreat in Honan, China. He was to assassinate his father’s enemy. As he knew nothing but that his father was a great humanitarian and savior of mankind, Shang-Chi felt nothing short of unquestioning loyalty. He stole into his victim’s home in Mayfair, London, and delivered his killing strike! Almost immediately, he was confronted by another of his father’s enemies, Sir Denis Nayland Smith, who told Shang-Chi the truth about his father’s evil deeds. Shang-Chi’s mastery of kung-fu enabled him to escape, but he sought out his mother, who confessed the truth as well. Shang-Chi, finally aware of his father’s manipulations, declared himself to be his father’s mortal enemy, devoting his life to the overthrow of his criminal empire."

trangent perpindicular to radius

cemi circle


opposite angles

angles on the same ark

my face's

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

diary entry #2

this is my second diary entry this term.
I have finnished most of the geometer sketchpad investergations.
I have only got to do the reflection exericise's, things


ajacent angles

diary entry #1

I am proud to say i have Finnished quite alot of the geometry questions.
i also helped out joe read (platapus in a hat) in a hot potato quiz :)



angles and parallal lines

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


using geometer sketchpad we will combine as a class and create shapes for a structure that terry will cut out. we will then put it together as a class and become the masters of kung fu